Toro Whipped Tallow Balm 4oz.


Toro Whipped Tallow Balm 4oz.


Simple, traditional, non toxic nourishment for you skin

For use on face and whole body

Ingredients: Grass fed and finished tallow, extra virgin olive oil, frankincense essential oil.

Why Tallow?

Tallow is a rendered animal fat that is very similar in chemistry to own skin, making it ‘bio available’ to our bodies. Its full of vitamins and minerals that easily adapt to your unique skin makeup healing dryness, acne, even eczema. Tallow is known to be anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and even heal aging skin.

Frankincense oil offers potent anti-aging properties, reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and enhancing skin elasticity by stimulating circulation and cellular renewal. It aids in skin regeneration, healing scars, and damaged skin due to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antioxidant features. Its antibacterial properties make it an effective treatment for acne by reducing inflammation and fighting bacteria, promoting clear and healthy skin.

Store in a cool dry place for up to 6 months or for 1 year in the refrigerator.

**please note product may come in amber or clear jar


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